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What Are the Benefits of Divorce Mediation?

Posted on: January 16, 2017

Divorce mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which divorcing couples sit down with each other in a spirit of cooperation. A professional will assist them with resolving some or all of the issues involved in divorce, including child support, child custody, spousal support, and more. This alternative to the contentious litigation process provides a number of key benefits. Keep reading to learn more about these advantages.

  • Mediation Is Faster

    The goal of divorce mediation is to get the parties to settle their case. When the case is no longer contested, the divorce can be finalized much faster. If not all of the issues are settled but some are, the process is still less complicated because the attorneys representing each spouse can focus their efforts on only those issues in contest.

  • Mediation Is Often More Affordable

    Any divorce lawyer can explain that the more contentious a divorce, the more expensive it is. People often pay their attorneys more money if they constantly have to call, email or otherwise respond to their client. Additionally, if a divorce is contested, the attorney may gather information through the discovery process and take more time investigating the client’s case.  An attorney also has to prepare for any court hearings. The more time a divorce lawyer invests in a case, the more expensive it tends to be. With mediation, the parties are often able to resolve all of the issues involved in the divorce case, minimizing the amount of time a divorce lawyer is involved in the case. Additionally, the mediator’s fee is split between the parties so that no one person is stuck with it.

  • Mediation Allows for More Cooperation

    Divorce mediation focuses on the parties working together toward the possible resolution of their case. Mediation often begins with the mediator explaining his or her role as a third party neutral who does not provide legal advice to either party. He or she explains the role of mediation and its benefits. Parties are instructed to be respectful of each other and to focus on common goals, such as resolving their legal issues or making decisions that are best for their children. Many parents leave mediation with a renewed sense that they will be able to have a better co-parenting or post-divorce relationship with their spouse than before they participated in mediation. Because the parties help to come up with the agreement, they are more likely to adhere to it and less likely to modify it.

  • Divorce Mediators in Northern Virginia

    To schedule a family law consultation for divorce mediation or other concerns, contact Graham Law firm of Leesburg, Virginia.

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